How is Canuck Place funded?
We rely on the generosity of individuals, companies, community partners, and the provincial government.
For almost three decades, the Canucks for Kids Fund has brightened days with funding (annually about 3% of our overall operating), player and mascot visits (hi Fin!) and event tickets.
Simply put, your support ensures children receive the care they need, where and when they need it.

Where does the money go?
Funds go to medical care for children and families.
We work with families to navigate all stages of a child’s illness. But children aren’t just little adults—they’re kids. Recreation therapy creates moments to remember. Play, art, and music therapy help children and siblings express and process complicated feelings.
We also help children and families find the courage to face the unknown, with end-of-life care and grief and bereavement support.
Your impact in 2023/24
We continue to see an increasing demand in the need for our services, and we are grateful to the donors who make care for children and families possible.
Annual Reports
Caring for children and their families is, and always will be, at the heart of the mission of Canuck Place. See what we’ve been working on and the impact of your donations. Together, we can give short lives the gift of great days.
Audited Financial Statements
Report from the Finance & Audit Committee
Canuck Place Children’s Hospice (CPCH) is grateful to our donors and government partners that make it possible to provide safe, high quality and sustainable care for children and families. This care is provided through our programs across the province; in-hospices, in-hospitals, in-homes and through virtual care delivery. Canuck Place is committed to accountability and transparency with our donors in how funds are received and invested to ensure seriously ill children and families have a chance to live life to the fullest, to their individual potential, and with the time they have remaining. Through strong financial stewardship and your generosity, the CPCH Society has ended the 2022-23 fiscal year with a surplus of $561,290.
This surplus will support ongoing growing operational needs and priority projects to improve safety, quality and care for children and families
This fiscal, Canuck Place secured a significant one-time grant from the Province of BC that will be combined with other designated donations and CPCH Foundation investments to support the Vancouver hospice capital-improvement project. Work will continue in the coming fiscal and will engage families, Indigenous and neighbour communities, staff, and volunteers to collaborate on much-needed improvements to the spaces we provide care.
Through the generosity of our donors and strong partnership with provincial government, we will build a sustainable future for Canuck Place to meet our key priority of improving the care and quality of life for our children and their families.
Treasurer and Finance & Audit Committee Chair, CPCH Board of Directors
CPCH Foundation
In addition to the CPCH Society, the CPCH Foundation was established in 2000 to invest and safeguard funds for the purpose of investing in Canuck Place operations and to ensure future generations of children living with a huge variety of complex conditions receive the pediatric palliative care they need. Investments in the CPCH Foundation will provide a bridge to any funding gaps and provide stability in the current economic uncertainty. All donations that come through the CPCH Foundation are used exclusively to support CPCH care. Annually, the Foundation makes financial contributions to the Society for direct programs, emerging projects and supporting the financial sustainability from challenges caused by fluctuations in revenue and economic impacts. Additionally, The Foundation supports funding for necessary long-term maintenance and replacement of medical equipment and facilities. Within the Foundation, the Board of Directors and Management review the funding needs of CPCH and balances them with the investment imperatives of the Foundation annually
As a registered Canadian charity, the Canuck Place Hospice Society is required to file an annual charity information return with Canada Revenue Agency. The return presents information including charitable programs, care of children and families, fundraising, management and administration costs and compensation.